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Warwick Community Hub

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

The Warwick Community Hub began as a vision of eight community members looking to break down the barriers between people seeking resources and the committed organizations working to serve them. In early 2020, this team connected with community influencers such as our Warwick School District, our law enforcement community, social workers, non-profit leaders, church leaders, and others. We also set out to learn more about similar “Hub” ministries in other communities such as New Holland (CrossNet), Denver/Ephrata (Real Life), Paradise (The Factory), Elizabethtown (ECHOs), and Quarryville (Solanco Neighborhood Ministries).

After this initial research, we believed that our Warwick Community was ready for a next step. The Hub is the result of these amazing organizations and their willingness to share information and their experience with us. Our mission is to work together to practically help our neighbors living in the Lititz/Warwick community by connecting families in difficult situations to available resources, empowering next steps, and restoring hope because of Jesus.

Launching in 2023, the Hub is now led by a committed Board of Directors while day to day operations are led by a four-person team. Our “why” comes from the importance of caring for our community in practical ways as modeled by the life of Jesus. This motivates us to be consistently kind, loving, transparent, and hopeful in each interaction with our neighbors here in Warwick.

Here’s how your gift may help:

  • $50 provides gas for a week for a mother struggling to get to her part time job AND get her children to needed appointments.
  • $150 provides and initial connection, initial problem solving and support for a new participant in need.
  • $300 allows a family keep their electricity on and remove a shut-off notice.
  • $475 allows one person to participate in a 12-week Getting Ahead in a Just Getting By World course.
  • $600 allows the Hub to assist a family in paying back rent to avoid eviction.
  • $750 provides fresh, healthy foods for a week for around 15 families at our Hub Market pantry. $1000 allows the Hub to provide THREE months of wraparound support for a participant navigating multiple challenges including transportation, health issues, and minimal income.
  • $2,500 allows the Hub to employ a part-time social worker for three months to work with multiple participants, solve problems and help people to navigate complex issues and get the help they need.