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Your gift will give joy and hope to children in crisis.
The joy of music-making combined with immediate access to mental health assistance empowers children to rise above their present and difficult circumstances while creating pathways to success. SWAN is a support group for children affected by parental incarceration and provides free music lessons, performance opportunities, Bible and trauma management classes, and immediate access to mental health professionals.
SWAN’s Mission: To be dedicated advocates for children affected by parental incarceration and the resulting trauma by providing life-changing intervention through music and mentoring.
Serving: The School District of Lancaster and Lancaster’s Youth Intervention Center.
Why Music? Music benefits children neurologically, physically, emotionally, behaviorally, scholastically, and socially. In fact, in many ways that trauma harms a child, music can help.
Why Mental Health? Research has shown that the value of teaching mental health is paramount to reducing violence, limiting risk factors for dangerous behavior, and fostering an overall healthy and safe learning environment.
Support a music lesson or Bible lesson for a child today!