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Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community

Give to this cause October 15-17!

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Cause Profile:

Inspired by God to care for those who had faithfully served the Lord, the Reverend Dr. Franklin S. Dyrness opened Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community in 1948 on the property next to his home and the church he pastored in southern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Reverend Dyrness’s compassion motivated him to consider his congregation at Quarryville’s Faith Presbyterian Church. He saw the oldest and frailest of his flock facing retirement in a state of uncertainty. His vision: a haven where seniors could live without worldly worries about shelter, food and care. He sought to gather them in a loving home where they could continue to use their God-given gifts and talents while glorifying His name. From this Christian legacy, Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community took shape.

Our mission is to provide for the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of our residents through high quality facilities, services and personal care in a manner faithful to the Bible and honoring our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Kinsman Fund:
A number of your brothers and sisters in the Lord need your help. Many have served the Lord throughout their lives and have not accumulated the riches of the world. As residents progress through the continuum of care, the costs of providing that care escalate, often outpacing residents’ ability to pay. This fund is designed to bridge the gap, to allow residents to remain in the Community, to receive the care they need but can no longer afford. Your gift quietly and appropriately releases them from the fear of failing financial strength with grace and dignity. Your gift makes it happen. “. . . to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” I Timothy 6:18(NIV)