Send “Give” to (717) 807-7975
For this organization, specify [Dollar Amount] PLVC.
Founded in 1955, Pleasant View Communities is a non-profit Life Plan Community in Manheim, PA, providing residential living, personal care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and two living areas specifically designed for residents with dementia or dementia-related illnesses.
Your generous gifts help Pleasant View to provide over 3 million dollars in benevolent care annually (for residents who have worked hard in their lifetime to provide for their family and community but who now need financial support).
The 3 million includes the difference between the cost of providing care and what Pleasant View receives in reimbursement from Medicaid. The care of approximately 25% of Personal Care residents and 50% of skilled nursing residents is supplemented, or paid for entirely, by benevolent care.
Recently, a tribute donor wrote: “We appreciate the loving care she received while a resident at Pleasant View.”
Thanks to 5 anonymous donors, the first $5,000 in gifts will be matched!
We invite you to join us in this mission and we thank you for partnering with us to meet current Benevolent Care needs at Pleasant View Communities.