Pennsylvania Family Institute

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Cause Profile:

Since 1989, the Pennsylvania Family Institute has become a leading pro-life, pro-family advocate working to keep the door to the gospel open in our communities. For 35 years, our pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious liberty work – including our pro-bono legal assistance at the Independence Law Center and our outreaches through the Church Ambassador Network, has helped many throughout the Lancaster County community and beyond.

Pennsylvania Family Institute is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), a national organization that gives its seal to the most well-managed Christian non-profits in the country. “We are pleased to accredit a ministry committed to educate and encourage
citizens, ministry and church leaders, elected officials, and others within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to promote the sanctity of life, strong families, the institution of marriage, and religious liberty,” said the ECFA at the time of our accreditation.

Together, we’re saving lives, expanding religious freedom, protecting student privacy, and guiding pastors, churches, and ministries as they navigate intrusive government mandates.