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Orphan Resources International

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

Our mission is to bring hope into the lives of Guatemalan children by being a support network for orphanages, providing physical necessities, counseling, and work teams.

Our hearts were broken by the poverty and need in the orphanage system and immediately felt compelled to do something to make a difference. In 2002, Rod and Sarah traveled to Guatemala with the only thought of seeing their baby girl they planned to adopt. During their trip they visited several orphanages including the home where their daughter lived.

Feeling God’s calling to help they developed Orphan Resources International on a small scale. The took 2 teams to Guatemala the first year to help do work at the homes and supported 2 or 3 private orphanages with food and donations. Since then, with God’s help and so much support ORI has grown to serve 50+ homes, delivering over 365,000 pounds of food every year and taking 10+ work teams a year.

After hearing and seeing the abuse most of these children have to endure before coming to live at the homes, we have started offering counseling through our Steps of Hope program. The focus is of this program is to bring the child to a full understanding of needing Jesus Christ in their lives and how He can bring hope and healing..

Here’s how your gift might help:

  • $50 provides supplies for a child to start our Steps of Hope program
  • $100 feeds a child for one year
  • $250 purchases 100 pounds of powdered milk for the children