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The mission of ONE A-CHORD Community Choir
is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and to encourage unity within the Christian community through choral music ministry and worship opportunities.
The choir was first organized in 2000, under the direction of Amy Fennimore; then in 2005, it became a regular part of Lancaster County’s annual observance of the National Day of Prayer. The choir has been a vital part of the worship for the celebration each year on the first Thursday of May.
Since 2011, the choir has expanded its ministry to include worship events and concerts in churches, retirement centers, and other locations as opportunities arise. As the ministry has grown, the choir officially formed as a non-profit 501C3 organization under the name, ONE A-CHORD MINISTRIES. Your tax-deductible contributions in tonight’s offering enable the choir to further its ministry, as our only financial support is from donations and offerings.
ONE A-CHORD is comprised of members from numerous churches in Lancaster County and beyond; more than fifty churches are represented by singers participating in our concerts.
The mission of ONE A-CHORD MINISTRIES is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through choral music ministry, community worship events, and other related music and worship opportunities; encouraging unity within the Body of Christ.
Members of ONE A-CHORD desire to see believers come together in prayer and worship, across denominational lines, for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in our communities. We enjoy uniting with other brothers and sisters in worship, and meeting new friends.
The choir presents concerts and worship events throughout the year at churches, retirement centers, and other venues as God provides opportunities.
The choir also participates each year in Lancaster’s NATIONAL DAY of PRAYER Celebration on the first Thursday of May, singing and leading worship with guest musicians and various leaders from local churches.
As members of ONE A-CHORD, we are representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ, and leaders in worship. Therefore, we are compelled to maintain a standard of Godly living, above worldly standards. By participation, choir members agree to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to attend church, and to live a lifestyle that models the teachings of Jesus and reflects Biblical principles. Choir members are asked to prioritize attending rehearsals and concert preparation.