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Lighthouse Vocational Services, originally Lighthouse Rehabilitation Center, was established in 1975 at a time when persons with disabilities were often isolated at home or in institutions, without opportunities to integrate or work with other people. Seeing a great need and also great potential, our founders – Norman Hahn, Melvin Martin, John Sensenig and Ben Weaver – envisioned a center to give these people the opportunity to grow, connect, and contribute to their community. Nearly 100 volunteers helped to renovate an old farmhouse in Blue Ball, PA where the owner of the building, Norman Hahn, agreed to not charge rent. Lighthouse started with only three participants but quickly grew to over 20. Most of the participants were from Christian, Old Order Mennonite or Amish families.
Lighthouse was founded on the belief that God created each person with value and purpose, and from the very beginning, participants were given dignity. The staff taught the participants to believe in God’s promises and discover Biblical principles for themselves. Individuals were offered counseling in the evening if they needed additional support. Participants were also given the opportunity to work. Lighthouse offered a supportive atmosphere where they could complete contract projects such as wooden toys, dolls cradles, wall sconces, scripture plaques, marble rollers, porch benches and ventilator lids for chicken houses.
At its beginning, Lighthouse was self-funded and about 50 percent of its revenue came from local businesses, churches, and individual donors. Paying invoices was sometimes an act of faith, and through this time, God provided. On several occasions when Lighthouse needed money for payroll and other expenses, someone would stop by unexpectedly with a church offering or contribution for the exact amount needed.
Today Lighthouse serves over 170 individuals and still carries the vision to help each person meet their greatest potential. Based in a 25,000 square foot warehouse building in New Holland, PA, Lighthouse offers participants a wide variety of in-house, community-based, and online opportunities to gain experience, explore new interests, integrate with the community and build the skills need for lasting employment.