Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

The mission of LIFECYCLES is to build young men and women of character in a Christ-centered bicycle touring adventure experience.  For 10 years, our volunteer leaders have developed boys and girls spiritually, physically, and mentally in a positive,encouraging, and challenging environment tailored to meet them where they are and to proceed at their pace.  In 2024, LIFECYCLES ministered to 160 teens with devotionals, curriculum-based mentoring, hot meals, and safe rides with trained leaders.

Everything we do (weeknight rides, Saturday rides, and week long summer challenge rides) is 100% free.  And, there are no tryouts, so everyone is welcome.  With no cost and no tryouts, there are no entry barriers.  452 teens have been impacted by the program since 2015, and it’s always 100% free.

LIFECYCLES is a Lancaster County mission of Community Fellowship Church and a Platinum member of GUIDESTAR.  We are an IRS-approved 501(c)3 charitable organization registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations.  Our board pays for a yearly independent financial review by a local CPA firm to ensure sound stewardship.

Our Goal for FaithfulGive 2024 is $60,000!

Examples of how your gift can be used:

  • $40 buys a new helmet.
  • $100 buys 10 curriculum books (We use 200 per year).
  • $250 feeds 125 riders on one of our 40 weeknight rides.
  • $600 buys a new 24-speed Jamis hybrid bicycle to be used on over 70 rides per year.
  • $750 supports one teen on a week-long summer challenge ride.