International Friendships

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

International Friendship’s vision was planted in the early 1970s by a group of Christian workers who were serving International Students at Ohio State University. IFI was incorporated on October 21, 1979. Over the past 45 years IFI has grown to serve International Students on over 50 campuses in 14 states and 3 countries including right here in Lancaster County. IFI’s mission is to extend life changing hospitality and friendship to International Students out of reverence for Jesus. IFI’s vision is to see God’s love extended globally in partnership with spiritually vibrant International Students. IFI Lancaster was founded in 2023 and serves students in Lancaster County at Franklin and Marshall College, Millersville University, Lancaster Bible College, and other local colleges. IFI serves students in a number of ways including airport and train station transportation, temporary housing, English conversation partners, Bible discussion groups, events, field trips, and holiday meal hosting. IFI holds the following financial accreditations: ECFA, BBB, Guidestar, Charity Navigator, Ministry Watch, and Great Nonprofits.

Here’s how your gift might help:

  • $20 – Average cost to purchase a Bible in a student’s native language
  • $50 – Average cost to host a small group of students for a meal
  • $100 – Average cost to take a small group of students on a local field trip
  • $250 – Average cost to host an event for 25 students
  • $375 – Cost to send an International Student to the World Changers Conference (transportation not included)