WHYF am720 Holy Family Radio

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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For this organization, specify [Dollar Amount] WHYF.

Cause Profile:

WHYF am720 is owned by Holy Family Radio, Inc. (a non-profit 501 (c)3) and is a listener-supported, non-commercial radio station. . The station is an EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) Global Radio Network affiliate. EWTN is the largest Catholic broadcast network in the world. WHYF is its only affiliate in Central Pennsylvania. In addition to the EWTN programming, we also produce our own local shows. WHYF is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters and Catholic Radio Association. We went on the air in August of 2011. The station streaming our signal 24/7 on our website. We also have a free mobile app making listening easy. All of our local show are available as podcasts.

Here’s how your gift may help:

  • Any size donations are welcome!