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Harvest USA was founded in 1983 by Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pa. The steps outside the Tenth Church were a notorious pick-up spot for male prostitutes. The church wanted to show the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to these men, so Harvest USA began as a Bible study. Soon, people other than gay men began seeking out the ministry for help: men struggling with pornography and lust, women with sexual sin struggles, parents and family members impacted by sexual sin.
The ongoing mission of Harvest USA is two-fold. First, Harvest USA seeks to be a resource to the local church, equipping individual congregations and the church at large to better care for and disciple those affected by sexual brokenness. We provide excellent resources through our blogs, videos, seminars, presentations, and books to support and strengthen the church. Second, Harvest USA is committed to providing one-on-one discipleship and support groups for men, women, and parents affected by sexual struggles in its Dresher office.
We believe God created sex, sexuality, and gender to manifest his goodness and image to his creation in particular ways. Over the course of time, sin has twisted and corrupted the good things that God created, so they no longer function as He intends.
Harvest USA works to restore faithfulness to biblical sexuality among God’s people. We want to see people walking in increasing faith and repentance. We strive for marriages to not only be restored, but to be renewed in holiness. We labor to see children and young adults learn the inherent goodness of God’s design for his creation, and for those young people to never develop patterns of sexual struggle and sin in the first place.
In short, we want to equip God’s people to actively resist the lure of sexual temptation in all its forms — lust, pornography, same-sex attraction, gender confusion — and to live faithfully and joyfully in their relationships with God and with one another.