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Global Disciples recognizes that a third of our world still has not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. We refer to this third of the world as the least-reached. However, many of these individuals are within reach of a local church. Through our simple yet effective strategy of training and coaching, we empower believers to share the Gospel within their own nations and cultures.
Our mission began in November 1995, birthed in prayer as leaders from various discipleship and mission training programs gathered for a day of prayer and fasting. Led by the Holy Spirit to confession, brokenness, and prayer, they recognized the barriers of competition and pride that separated their ministries. From this transformative experience, Global Disciples was born with a foundation rooted in collaboration and a shared vision.
Initially, Global Disciples offered Global Disciple Training (GDT). Over time, our training expanded to include small business development (SBD) and leadership development (LEAD). We equip people within their own cultural contexts to send out near-culture mission workers to reach the least-reached, multiply believers, and plant locally sustainable fellowships and churches. Global Disciples understands that this mission is too big to accomplish alone. That’s why we collaborate with over 1,600 clusters of churches in more than 70 nations worldwide, providing essential discipleship, small business, and leadership training. Together, we strive to ensure that every person has the opportunity to hear and embrace the Good News of Jesus Christ, fostering a global community united in faith and purpose.
As part of our commitment to transparency, excellence, and collaboration, Global Disciples is a proud member of several reputable organizations. We are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), which upholds the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability. We are also active members of the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) and Missio Nexus, networks that connect and resource organizations dedicated to multiplying churches and advancing the Gospel worldwide. These memberships reinforce our dedication to best practices, strategic partnerships, and effective mission work.
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