Five Stones Global

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Cause Profile:

Our Focus

Global Missions: We provide missionaries, teams, and organizations with the training and coaching needed to multiply disciples using biblical, reproducible, and culturally effective approaches that avoid mission-generated unhealthy dependency.

Five Stones Global’s Story
The organization (formerly World Mission Associates) was originally founded in 1983 by the late Glenn Schwartz of Lancaster, PA. Glenn, the author of When Charity Destroys Dignity, started to talk and write about mission-generated unhealthy dependency and how it chipped away at the dignity and self-development of those on the receiving end of missions.

We have continued to carry the torch under the name of Five Stones Global. The name of our organization paints a picture of what global missions can stand for, aim for, and produce. Much like David opted to use his slingshot and five smooth stones over Saul’s bulky armor in his battle against Goliath, we train and coach mission workers to encourage indigenous people (the Davids) around the globe to use their own “five stones” to thrive and multiply, such as their own local vision, expressions, resources, interdependence, and reproducibility.