Fairmount Homes

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

Fairmount Homes was established as a ministry of the Weaverland Conference Old Order Mennonite Church to provide nursing care for aging persons in the local community. Since welcoming its first residents on February 19, 1968, Fairmount has continuously served older adults, regardless of their ability to pay. Over the past five and a half decades, Fairmount has grown significantly and now accommodates nearly 400 residents. Renowned for its high-quality care, Fairmount has earned a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the highest grade for a skilled nursing community. As healthcare costs have risen and advancements in treatments have extended lifespans, many residents have exhausted their financial resources. To address this, Fairmount utilizes its benevolent fund, the Sharing Fund, to cover the shortfall in care costs. Each year, Fairmount allocates approximately $3 million to benevolent care. Donations from Faithful Give directly support the Sharing Fund, ensuring that our seniors continue to receive top-notch care. Thank you for your generous support.

Here’s how your gift might help:

  • $220 covers the shortfall for one day of nursing care for one of our residents who have exhausted their resources.
  • $1,540 covers the shortfall for one week of nursing care for one of our residents who have exhausted their resources.
  • $6,600 covers the shortfall for one month of nursing care for one of our residents who have exhausted their resources.