ExHaLTT Performing Arts Academy

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

ExHaLTT – “Expressing Hearts and Lives To Touch” was founded as a nonprofit performing arts academy in February 2023. ExHaLTT is a faith-based, nonprofit, 501c(3) performing arts academy located in the heart of Elizabethtown. Foundational to our pedagogical practices, we believe…”Where the Arts Thrive, the Soul Comes Alive.” We offer a comprehensive instructional approach for students to engage in rigorous training in dance, musical theatre and vocal performance while providing a nurturing and positive environment for student growth and individual expression for students ages 3 to adult. Providing financial assistance through our student scholarship program allows those in financial hardship to access and participate through our application & Board review process (August deadline for each upcoming year). Join our mission at ExHaLTT to share our faith in God through the Arts and make a difference in the world by ExPressing Hearts and Lives To Touch!

Your gift will help!

  • Legacy ($10,000+)
  • Diamond ($5,000 – $9,999)
  • Platinum ($1,000 – $4,999)
  • Gold ($500 – $999)
  • Silver ($100 – $499)
  • Bronze ($25 – $99)