Bible Visuals International

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

Since 1959, Bible Visuals International has been “helping children see Jesus” by supplying Christians around the globe with resources for children’s ministry. Here at BVI, we produce and distribute a wide range of Bible lessons, missionary stories, hymns, studies, and more for use both in classroom settings and within the home or family context. But we are more than just a publisher — over the years, BVI has seen the need for Gospel-centered, affordable, accessible, and adaptable children’s teaching materials not only within the United States but also internationally! We are passionate about building lasting partnerships that include training, support, prayer, and sometimes finding creative solutions to meet individual needs and opportunities.

Our materials have been translated into over 80 languages and have been used in places like:

  • Kenya
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Lebanon
  • Romania
  • Mongolia
  • Brazil
  • Nigeria
  • Cuba
  • India
  • And more!


Bible Visuals International produces and distributes resources through the work of a small staff located in Akron, Pennsylvania and a worldwide network of writers, illustrators, translators and teachers who are devoted to making Christ known to the next generations.

Project Highlight: Papua New Guinea

Amidst the COVID-19 shutdowns in 2020, BVI became connected with Tim and Leandra Hawes, ABWE missionaries in Papua New Guinea. Though many of our “normal” ministry efforts were hindered by the pandemic, the Lord used this time to allow us to curate the “Journey of Faith” Bible Club curriculum that is new being used in over 15 public schools in Papua New Guinea, reaching over 5,000 children every week. It has been truly humbling to see the Lord open doors through prayer and to hear about the life-changing impact of the Gospel. Schools have testified that the Journey of Faith program has led to increased graduation rates and decreased instances of violence in the schools. Efforts to expand this program into additional schools around the country are underway!

Project Highlight: Mongolia

Less than 2% of the population in Mongolia are professing Christians. Nevertheless, there is a small but thriving network of churches scattered throughout the country. In partnership with Mickey and Trina Cofer, missionaries in the northern mountain region, BVI’s entire Visualized Bible Curriculum has been translated into Mongolian and was distributed to approximately 600 churches in 2022 to use in children’s ministry and outreach. Within these churches, most believers are first-generation Christians—they were not raised in homes or cultures where Christianity was modeled for them by parents or authorities. With this in mind, we are actively working with the Cofers and their connections to translate our Family Worship Series into Mongolian, providing a simple guide that can help parents learn to lead their children in worship and the study of God’s Word within the family context.

Examples of how your gift might be used:

  • $100 supplies one hour of family worship or children’s ministry training to partners.
  • $300 provides a new illustration to help communicate Bible lessons and stories of God’s grace to
    children’s hearts.
  • $750 equips a new church plant with a complete set of our Visualized Bible Lesson series (312