Anchor Christian Academy

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Cause Profile:

Brief History

Recognizing that parents are the primary influencers of their children, Anchor Christian Academy collaborates with parents to educate and biblically anchor students. Our goal is to graduate students who love God, His Word, and life-long learning. Our method includes a University Model® of education where students attend classes 3 days a week while working independently with a parent 2 days a week.  Anchor Christian Academy was founded in 2017 with a grassroots group of 15 families and 32 students searching for a way to mix the best of homeschooling with the best parts of a Christian private school. With the Lord’s blessing and under the guidance of the National Association of University Model Schools (NAUMS) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), the school has flourished. Now we serve 85 families with 113 students in grades 7-12. ACA is not associated with a specific denomination and currently enrolls students from 47 different churches!

Christian Worldview
Education is never neutral. It is more than the mere transmission of facts; it involves the communication of life principles and values and, therefore, requires a spiritual context. Because God created, sustains and will consummate all things through His Son, Jesus Christ, we believe that facts, whether mathematical, historical, scientific, or otherwise, can only represent truth if they are taught in the context of a Christian worldview. This belief will permeate our goals and objectives, our teaching methods and our curriculum.

Family Ministry
At Anchor Christian Academy, we affirm that parents are the child’s first and best teachers. Parents are the single most influential factor in a child’s educational performance, as well as in emotional, social, and spiritual development. Therefore, ACA seeks to assist parents in their God-given task to train their children in mind, body, and spirit (Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6:4). By providing time, flexibility, and academic expertise, we promote a partnership that enables parents to adequately fulfill the Lord’s commands for the education and training of children for His glory. ACA provides a support structure for parents through leadership and character development programs, as well as through seminars for parents to deepen their own understanding of academic subjects and the way in which faith shapes their worldview.

Joy of Learning
Our goal is to challenge our students without exasperating them. While we maintain rigorous academic standards for our students, we resist a learning environment hampered by excessive competition or pointless drudgery. We foster wonder and delight in the academic process through hands-on learning, real-life experiences, field trips, and unique academic events that bring joy to learning. Education should not be rigid or dull, but full of life. We desire our students to not only learn, but to love learning. ACA seeks to anchor students in the truth of Scripture in a way that will stick in spite of the rapidly shifting culture. To meet this goal, high school students travel each spring. For instance, the World Religions Survey introduces students to the beliefs of other religions to illustrate how Christianity has the best answers to the major questions of reality. Students return from this trip with gratitude for their churches, schools, and parents teaching Truth, and with a burden for people who live with no knowledge of the truth of the Gospel.

At Anchor Christian Academy, we are committed to equipping students with a solid foundation rooted in a Christian worldview, empowering parents as their child’s primary educators, and fostering a joy of learning that lasts a lifetime.


Examples of how your gift can be used:

  • $1,500 provides tuition assistance to a qualifying family
  • $1,000 expands our ability to develop students’ character through a basketball program
  • $ 750 enables a student to participate in an experiential learning trip focused on Scriptural truths
  • $ 500 sends a teacher to a Christian worldview integration training program
  • $ 300 supplies a classroom with one multi-functional desk
  • $ 50 furnishes a classroom with materials for one science lab