United Zion Retirement Community

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Send “Give” to (717) 807-7975
For this organization, specify [Dollar Amount] UZRC.

Cause Profile:

United Zion Retirement Community founded in 1905 when Barbara and Henry Firestone reached out to the United Zion Church to assist in providing care to their neighbors and the community. What started as a small Christian welfare program for the homeless has evolved into a unique close-knit, compassionate, faith-based Life Plan Community sized for meaningful connections. Grounded in the tradition of assisting members of the community, we are dedicated to help residents even when they are unable to cover the total cost of care.


Examples of how your gift can be used:

  • $206 per day to provide benevolent care.
  • $1,000 can provide for the Chaplain program for one month.