Cypher Spot

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

Our ministry began in 2018, in partnership with Christ Alone Fellowship Church. The Cypher Spot is a ministry focused on reaching our community with the gospel, utilizing hip hop and urban arts such as breakdancing, DJing, poetry, music production, and graffiti. We do this by providing various faith-based programs, performances, and hosting outreach events. We are explicit about sharing the gospel. Some participants at The Cypher Spot have come to Christ and become church members. The children in our programs are learning the Scriptures and receiving sound theology, taught by volunteers from the church. This has been a successful ministry, and we believe it is worthy of support.

Every gift we receive goes towards the overall expenses of the ministry. These include ministry positions, materials, equipment, developing new programs, event costs, promotion, snacks for the kids, and Bibles. All of these are essential for ministering effectively to our community.