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Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship is a nonprofit faith mission whose purpose is to train and equip God’s people to do Biblical evangelism – anywhere, anytime with anyone. REF is a movement – evangelistic, Biblical, reformed in faith – that operates with boldness and compassion.
Our Vision & Mission:
We as REF, are dedicated to follow the truths of the Scripture and to the classic reformed doctrines of the Christian faith as put forth in the Westminster Standards and the 1689 Baptist Confession. We are frequently and faithfully sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that is found within us with anyone, anytime, anywhere. We also will have fellowship with wherever a believer in Christ is found, as the kingdom of God is there, and we share in that community all over the globe.
What we do in Lancaster County?
One of our missionaries (Shibu Oommen) is actively equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12) through teaching and doing Evangelsim. Our ministries extends through the Lancaster Central Market to two college campuses in this area.