Piercing Word

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

“Piercing Word has been performing Scripture across the country since 2007, and I never cease to be amazed at how powerfully God speaks when we let God’s Word speak for itself. We love coming alongside Christian leaders to ignite passion for the Word of God in the heart of the Church!  We do this by performing Scripture in dramatic and musical presentations that are word-for-word from the ESV Bible.  We also challenge and equip people to memorize the Word of God for themselves through our Bible Memorization resources like our Warriors of the Word book and video course. As a full-time, nonprofit ministry based in Lancaster, PA, we tour our Scripture Performances to churches, conferences, colleges, special events and more.” – Executive Director, Aaron House

Here’s how God is moving…

It was amazing how linking drama and Scripture spoke in ways beyond a simple reading.” – Lee K. Nanfelt, Lead Pastor, Valley View Alliance Church

Thank you so much for taking the time to come teach us new techniques for hiding God’s Word in our heart. Your passion and joy in memorizing Scripture is evident and contagious.” – Anna Fillgrove, Calvary Church

You, and the whole Piercing Word Summer Camp, had such a huge impact on him. I think this is going to be a catalyst for him to continue to memorize Scripture throughout his life. How many times has the written Word made its way into our heart & carried us through both good and bad times? It’ll be a strong foundation for him.” – Lynne Nash, Summer Camp Parent

All I can say is… amazing… wonderful… simply grateful… Yes, it was a powerful presentation of the Gospel and your “mission” was accomplished.” – Gail Murphy, WordUP Community Ministries, Inc.

Examples of how your gift can be used:
  • $100 provides a set, costume, or prop for a Scripture Performance!
  • $250 enables a student to attend the Piercing Word Summer Theatre Camp!
  • $500 helps raise up an army of Warriors of the Word through Bible memorization!
  • $1,000 makes live Scripture Performances available to thousands of people!

The first $1,000 in donations is being matched by