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Love Life’s mission statement is to unite & mobilize the church to create a culture of love and life that will result in an end to abortion and the orphan crisis. We aim to disciple abortion-vulnerable families and mobilize churches to reach their local abortion mission fields with prayer & the hope of the gospel. We present churches with a simple yet effective way to engage their congregations in helping bring an end to abortion in our nation. We host 40 consecutive weeks of prayer walks led by local pastors and their congregations. We bring education and awareness to local churches and then give them a simple way to engage and plug into local ministry.
Secondly, we train and equip churches to build a “life ministry” within their congregations to help families with unplanned pregnancies. This growing network of churches is called House of Refuge. We now have over 370 House of Refuge churches across the country and several international ones. We want our churches to be places families can run to instead of away from. House of Refuge is a simple, biblical, and effective way to equip your church to be the hands and feet of Christ to abortion-vulnerable women.
Love Life started in 2016 in Charlotte, NC with just around 30 people at our first prayer walk and only a few pastors involved. Now we are running prayer walks in 27 cities, we have over 1,200 partnering churches, we’ve seen over 200,000 people mobilized in prayer walks, and over 6,000 babies saved from abortion. Thank you Lord! Our Central PA chapter (York, Lancaster, Harrisburg) has been running since 2022. We have about 30 churches involved and growing! We have sidewalk counselors at our local abortion clinics three days a week.
Your donation will be used to help support our benevolence fund (giving to specific needs for moms such as rent, bills, groceries, transportation, etc.); help purchase our sidewalk outreach literature and church engagement materials; help support one full-time worker and one part-time worker; help throw baby showers and pastor events; help engage more churches for prayer walks and raise up more volunteers. Your donations help make this possible with the end goal of mobilizing the body of Christ and discipling families.