Lancaster Academy Of The Performing Arts

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Cause Profile:

It’s amazing to think that Lancaster Academy choirs are approaching their 30th year performing. In 1996, what was formerly known as Central Lancaster County Homeschool Music was organized and led by its director Lori LaSalle. Her goal was to provide exceptional music instruction for homeschool families. Performances would honor God and bless the community. Multi-age choirs performed not only for family and friends but also served by sharing music with local retirement communities. Eventually touring groups performed regionally and even internationally, with a trip to China. In addition to adopting its new name in the 2000’s, theater, instrumental ensembles and eventually the visual arts were added to its repertoire. When you attend a Lancaster Academy concert, you’re now welcomed by a gallery of student visual art!

Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts is so much more than just a performance group. We are a community that partners with Christian parents in their homeschool and private school instruction. We come alongside parents to teach and train their children to appreciate the creative arts and use their gifts and talents. Soli Christo Gloriae Musica – “Music to the Glory of Christ Alone” encapsulates our goal to influence culture through the arts to glorify God.

Here’s how your gift might help:

  • $100+ Friends & Family Concert Series Sponsor supports the rental for facilities, technical support, print and advertising for our Winter and Spring Concerts
  • $100+ Friends & Family Theater Series Sponsor support the production of cabaret, class showcases and Junior Show.
  • $500+ Bronze Level sponsors contribute to education program support enabling the purchase of new music, scripts, art materials, small instruments and through tuition assistance to keep arts education affordable for our families.
  • $1500+ Silver Level sponsors enable us to reach some long-term goals of purchasing additional audio and visual equipment for concert and stage productions and orchestra percussion instruments.
  • $5000+ Gold Level sponsors are investing in our future as we make plans for a permanent space for The Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts to prepare students to honor God in the arts.