Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU)

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Cause Profile:

Since 1990, the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU) has been helping parents, youth workers, pastors, educators, counselors, and others understand teenagers and their culture so that they will be better equipped to help children and teens navigate the challenging world of adolescence and help them in their mission to raise spiritually and culturally discerning kids.

Based in Elizabethtown, PA CPYU is an international ministry that endeavors to increase the ability of home and church to nurture children and teens into a lifetime of biblically-faithful, whole-life Christian discipleship. Our purpose is to provide relevant and timely information, analysis, and theologically-sound resources on today’s rapidly-changing youth culture to home and church in order to facilitate effective cross-cultural inter-generational ministry to the emerging generations.

Among our resources are our daily radio show, Youth Culture Today; our Youth Culture Matters podcast; our The Word in Youth Ministry podcast; our monthly Parent Page; our annual Northeast Youth Ministry Summit; our annual Symposium on Traditional Biblical Sexuality; seminars and presentations at churches, schools, and colleges across the United States and Canada; and various other resources found on our website at

CPYU is a member of ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability).