Bible2School – Penn Manor

Give to this cause October 20-22!

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Send “Give” to (717) 807-7975
For this organization, specify [Dollar Amount] B2SPM.

Cause Profile:

Bible2School Penn Manor began in Sept. 2021 in one elementary school and has grown to provide programs for all 7 of the Penn Manor elementary schools. We offer release time Bible classes to students in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades as a member program of the National Bible2School organization. Our mission is to teach the Bible to Penn Manor elementary students so they may hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and follow him faithfully. We have a heart to show the love of the community of believers to our local students.


Examples of how your gift can be used:

  • Sponsor a school $1000/month
  • Sponsor a class $500/month
  • Sponsor a small group & friends $250/month
  • Sponsor a child & friend $100/month
  • Sponsor a child $50/month